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Thinking About Preparedness: Holiday Shopping and 2021’s MAD Product Availability

It’s currently hotter than ol’ Lucifer’s musty armpit outside as I write this. Never in my life did I think it would be pertinent to advise folks to begin getting their holiday shopping tasks started at such a warm time of the year, yet here I am. While perusing our website this afternoon, product after product is still out of stock. We are expecting stuff to come in… but some products are in such high demand that they are almost guaranteed to be sold out within days of their arrival. So the purpose of this blog entry is to help you get a sound shopping strategy in place for this year’s crazy holiday shopping season.

In-Stock Notifications!!!

Do I really need to say more? Yes, I know your email inbox is overflowing with emails from everyone and their brother wanting to sell you stuff. BUT-- in-stock notifications are a boon to acquiring gear you want. Our website has this capability. Just locate the item, click on the button, type in your email address, and voila! When that time is restocked you will get an email letting you know things are good to go.

For this to work for you, you will need to be ready to buy right then. Don’t wait around for five or six days, move quickly. Before this year I never considered using the notification button on websites where I shop. But this past year, oh my! Everything everywhere has been out of stock. Even simple items that I took for granted-- gone until further notice. This idea is as easy as 1,2,3.

Use the button. 2. Check your email. 3. Make the purchase.

Budget For It

One benefit of getting an early start to your shopping list is that it will hurt your wallet less when the purchases are spread over a greater period of time between now and Christmas. While there may be several items on your list that are out of stock, there will likely be some that aren’t. Go ahead and get those ordered. Even this early in the season, there are some really good deals: free shipping, discounts, bundles, etc. Keep your eye out on the emails and social media pages for hints at good deals and product availability.

I know my family’s past shopping tradition always included some really delicate budgetary tight-rope walking for the months of November and December. This year we are getting ahead of the game to help out with the holiday spending pinch and to make sure the things we want to score for the kids and each other are safely accounted for by the time the big day arrives.

What are you buying

I think the current political climate and the cumulative experiences from the past two years indicates that inventories can evaporate overnight. Cities can burst into flames before you can “jump down, and turn around”, let alone “pick a bale of cotton”. People are on edge, the shipping industry is full steam ahead and losing ground, and strange manufacturing delays are keeping shelves empty. Not to add fuel to the fire, but if you are waiting around for a good deal, or just closer to the holiday season to make a purchase, you may be waiting forever. As has been said many times before, these are indeed interesting times we are living in. Make sure you have essentials well inventoried in your house, and then make sure your holiday shopping is squared away well before any expected rush sets in.

2021 - The Year of the Practical Christmas Gift

Some products fall into the excellent-gift-ideas-and-essential-for-getting-by category. Some of the gear we sell might just fit into that category, depending on how you see things and the rose tint on our glasses. If there ever was a time where looking out for your loved ones was a motivating factor for gift-giving, this is it. But don’t wait around before you start taking action. We are now in an economy of scarcity. The circumstances surrounding the scarcity may be brought on by a thumb on the scale, but it is real nonetheless. Skip the $5.00 coffee, skip the weekend bag of donuts, and put those savings to practical effect in your shopping budget.

Mark Davis, avid outdoorsman, family man, and outdoors writer is the social media specialist for Umarex USA.

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