

All About That Action!
Some people just think our replicas are cool. Some people like that our licensed replicas look just like the handgun they are based on. Some people appreciate the realistic training opportunities afforded by a replica of their firearm with blow-back action. No matter what camp you find yourself in, our action pistols are the scratch to your itch for air pistol awesomeness.
Do You Even Ruger, Bro?
What are the odds that a product released today will be around in 20-30-40 years? Very slim indeed. Today’s design esthetic leaves a lot to be desired. Trends come and go, but some designs do endure. While the jury is still out on some of the more modern creations, the verdict has been in on the Ruger 10/22 for decades now.
Walther’s PPS M2 Blowback CO2 Air Pistol
If you have gotten on board with Walther’s PPS M2, there’s no reason not to have either the .177 steel BB or the 6mm airsoft on hand for training when your schedule doesn’t allow for a trip to the range.
The Gauntlet Unleashed

Amidst a sea of expensive air rifles, the Umarex Gauntlet is the one that stood out at the 2019 Pyramyd Air Cup that took place August 23rd through 25th at the Cardinal Shooting Center just outside of Columbus, Ohio. The Gauntlet was the least expensive pellet rifle on the benchrest firing line, yet it and its shooter, Eydin Hansen the @TXHogDude, advanced to the final round.

Five Tips on How to Break-in an Air Rifle

I’ve always been dubious of firearms manufacturers that claim their guns need a break-in period. Airguns, though, are a different story. For those who are new to the sport, these tips will help you get consistent results from your airgun.

Eradicating Invasive Species: Iguana Edition

I have nothing against iguanas, personally. The big lizards hardly offend me at all, in their natural habitat. But in the Florida Keys, where they are an invasive species, these little dinosaurs are becoming a very big problem. Females can pop out 76 eggs at a time, and they have no natural predators. There’s only one surefire way to get rid of them, and it is exactly what you’d expect.

Why Use Air-Powered Handguns to Teach Beginner Shooters

Teaching people how to shoot can get complicated. It is easiest when you have a willing adult who is really motivated to learn. Even then, though, they may come in expecting blistering recoil and noise. If there’s one place where Hollywood underplays the power of traditional firearms, it is sound. No one ever wears hearing protection, and the guns are loud, but not too loud. The reality can take new shooters by surprise.

Top 3 Air Rifles for Hunting Turkey

If your spring Turkey hunt has you yawning, I’ve got a challenge that just might wake you up. Take your gobbler hunt to the next level with an air gun. If you have the stalking skills, hunting turkey with an air rifle will give you something to brag about.

9 Top Air Pistols Available Right Now

Here’s a list of nine great .177 CO2 powered handgun options currently available from Umarex Airguns. They vary in price, design and function—but they all share one common (and important) trait: they’re loads of fun to shoot.

New Air Gun Hunting Videos Showcase Airguns for Hunting

If you’re a fan of air guns, nothing beats some quality range time—except maybe the thrill of the hunt. But what about the rest of your free-time, when you’re home, kicking back on the couch? Don’t despair. Real Air Gun Hunting, is a new show that shows just what air guns can do.