
Blog posts tagged with 'deer hunting'

PCP Airgun Hunting on a Budget



The old saying is that money doesn’t grow on trees.  Yes, the struggle is real and these days more and more people are struggling to pay their bills, let alone pick up some new gear for their hobbies. Inflation and stagnant wages are tag-teaming us average Joe's to cause pain.  One of the nice...

Winter Blues?  We Haven’t Even Had a Fall!


What a wacky, weird year this has been. Well, it started out more or less normal in most areas of the country, but as the summer wore on, and it’s evidently still wearing on, normal went out of the window many weeks ago. The usual mid-to-late September cool down we experience here in the Ozarks...

Secrets of Airgun Deer Hunting
Thousands of airgunners are getting ready for the most-exciting and anticipated time of the year - deer season. But suppose you’re new to the world of hunting with a PCP airgun like an Umarex Hammer? What do you need to know before your first season hunting big game with air?
That First Crisp Morning
In the south, we have false seasons. False Spring where we have a few warm days only to be followed by a couple weeks of bitter cold and lousy weather. Then we have false Summer. This is where the mercury creeps up into the 90s, but the water is still in the 50-60s– too cold to swim, but hot enough you want to. Then the weather shifts back down to the 70s for highs and you forget about those few warm days.
"Pigman" Brian Quaca Teams with Umarex Airguns
Umarex Airguns is pleased to announce a new multimedia partnership with Brian “Pigman” Quaca. One of the most entertaining hunting show hosts, Pigman has developed a dedicated following via his long-running TV series and social media.
The Fight for Archery Goes On
There really is a lot that goes into winning the hearts and minds of people when it comes to challenging long held paradigms. Just think of the work that went into convincing Americans to simply wear their seatbelts – an idea still contested by some in the face of graveyards full of evidence to the contrary. Folks in the hunting world are not strangers to such struggles for good ideas whose times have come.